Dilma-Christina-Michelle. Of Presidential Chairs and Women: Recent Women Presidents in the Latin American Southern Cone
Special Events

Global Leadership: Women on the World Stage
In January – May 2014, the Albuquerque International Association (AIA) will present an international lecture series “Global Leadership: Women on the World Stage.” We decided to look at global leadership thought the prism of women because women moving into positions of power around the world may be one of the defining trends of the 21st century. We all -- both women and men -- need to understand its dynamics and impact on us, our cities, states and the country.
We will address global leadership challenges and opportunities, and look at individual women leaders on the world stage. We will look at differences and commonalities, as well as stumbling blocks on paths to global leadership. We will consider the question of why in some countries and regions women have reached the highest positions, and in others, including the United States, they have not. We will provide inspiration to younger generations of men and women, especially aspiring and mid-career professionals through “reach for the sky” examples. For more mature generations, we will applaud their achievements and help to understand their defeats.
Though women in the United States are without doubt in the top tier economically, they lag behind other countries in many other ways. The talks will explore the progress of women in the U.S. as compared to other countries, and factors that have allowed women in other parts of the world to reach a critical mass in leadership where American women have not.
The talks are open to the general public and will include a Q&A session after the lecture. The cost is $15 for AIA members and $20 for non-members. High school, college and university students (under 26) with student identification receive free admission. AIA's lectures are supported by New Mexico Humanities Council, Sandia National Labs and UNM.
For further information about the lecture series, visit the AIA website: www.abqinternational.org.
Albuquerque International Association is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit, educational organization. It serves a broad range of citizens: high school, college and university students, educators, business people, other professionals, active adults and retirees. Our goal is to present New Mexicans with information of the highest quality about important international questions facing our state and nation.