Distinguished Feminist Research Lecture Award

Distinguished Feminist Research Lecture Award

The Feminist Research Institute annually recognizes a faculty member through our Distinguished Feminist Research Lecture award. The recipient of the Distinguished Feminist Research Lecture award will receive a $500 honorarium and deliver a lecture presentation as part of the FRI lecture series in the Spring semester.

Criteria: Candidates for the lectureship shall be voting members of the UNM faculty and will be evaluated according to the following criteria: scholarly record of feminist research and publication; evidence of innovation in disciplinary or interdisciplinary approaches to feminist scholarship; application of feminist methodologies in teaching, service, and/or community work; and quality of proposed lecture. Please note, the Feminist Research Institute defines “feminist” research in broad terms, including for example queer, queer of color, and LGBTQ scholarship.

Nomination: Candidates for this award may self-nominate or be nominated by others, including UNM faculty, Deans, department/program chairs and directors, and the FRI Board. Nominations for the 2021 award should be submitted to ehutch@unm.edu by Monday, October 26.Nominations should simply include the name, title, and department of the nominee.

 Application: The FRI Board will confirm nominees’ eligibility and willingness to deliver the lecture and solicit necessary materials from the candidates: letter of interest, proposed lecture title and abstract, and curriculum vitae. Applications for the 2020 award will be due to femresin@unm.edu by Monday, November 16, 2020.

Award Recipients


Dr. Kimberly Gaudermam, Department of History, "Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation in U.S. Asylum Law."


Dr. Nancy López, Department of Sociology, "Truth Telling as Antiracist Feminist Praxis: Intersectionality, Critical Self-Reflexivity and Social Justice Practice Among Ethnic Studies High School Teachers in New Mexico."


Dr. Amy Brandzel, Department of American Studies, "In and Out of Time: The Anti-Intersectionalities of Citizenships." 


Dr. Ruth Trinidad-Galván, Department of Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Studies, "Remembering the Female Brown Body: A Decolonial Feminist Public Pedagogy Engagement with Feminicides." 

2016 - Inaugural Award

Dr. Gail Houston, Department of English Language and Literature, "Critical Empathy, Recuperating Passionate Foremothers, and the Recuperation of Emotion."