General Open-Call
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly 12.4: General Open-Call
Editor: Francisco J Galarte
TSQ welcomes submissions for the General Open-call, non-themed issue in the form of:
- Research articles (4,000-7,000 words)
- Reviews (less than 4,000 words)—approval needed from the book review editor before submission;
- Visual art (300dpi or greater);
- Syllabi and teaching materials.
- Scholars, artists, and activists are all invited to contribute.
Contact: Francisco J Galarte (
To submit a manuscript, please visit Please note that TSQ, like other Duke University Press Journals, has moved to ScholarOne, replacing the prior Editorial Manager platform. If this is your first time using ScholarOne, please register first, then proceed with submitting your manuscript. If you have any difficulties with the process, contact the journal at tsqjournal at All manuscripts must be double-spaced, including quotations and endnotes, and blinded throughout. You must also submit an abstract, keywords, and biographical note at the time of initial submission. Please visit the editorial office's website for a detailed style guide.
TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly is an academic journal edited by Francisco J. Galarte, Abraham B. Weil, Dylan McCarthy Blackston, micha cárdenas, and Ciara Cremin, and published by Duke University Press. TSQ aims to be the journal of record for the interdisciplinary field of transgender studies and to promote the widest possible range of perspectives on transgender phenomena broadly defined. For most volumes one issue of TSQ is a non-themed open call, with the other three issues devoted to special themes; every issue also contains regularly recurring features such as reviews, interviews, and opinion pieces. To learn more about the journal and see calls for papers for other special issues,